30 Day Program for Peace and Healing

1. Today I see all things as lessons.

My purpose in life is to learn and to grow. I have no other goals to accomplish. As such, everything that occurs is an opportunity to fulfill my reason for being alive in this world.

2. Today I am determined to learn.

I no longer look for right and wrong, for problems and solutions, for security and comfort. I seek to engage with life as a classroom, learning the lessons for which I took birth. I see all events and interactions as opportunities for my growth.

3. Today I accept that I will die.

Death is a great blessing, putting all things in perspective. It is the undeniable reality that my time in this world is limited. Because I accept I will one day exit this world, I can afford to invest fully in my life.

4. Today I will not honor fear.

Fear asks me to bow before its seductive reasoning. I proclaim my freedom by rising up and walking on the path of my own power. I allow the power of Divinity and Nature to flow through me.

5. Today I will not honor guilt.

Guilt is based on the false notion that punishment brings rewards. It is an illusion that condemnation can relieve pain and solve problems. I reject this flawed strategy and, instead, offer compassion to others and to myself.

6. Today I will not correct others.

I walk in surety that all beings are finding their way on their own path. All flowers blossom in the right season. I need not carry the burden of correction, as I grant others their precious freedom.

7. Today I will be grateful.

My gratitude is my security. I am not afraid to be thankful, and I ignore the fear that says I might lose something. All things must pass, with ever more blessings to arrive.

8. Today I recognize I could be mistaken.

How fortunate am I to understand my perceptions may not be accurate. I can relax and learn. Love and wisdom expand infinitely, and I need not be perfect to share in this expansion.

9. Today I will not honor shame.

I carry the torch of my own forgiveness, and I shed its light on the path for others. I seek no reasons to engage in fault-finding. Judgmental perceptions have no place in my vision.

10. Today I will smile.

I offer the gentleness of my face to the mirror of my life. I smile because of, and I smile in spite of. I reject the contraction of grimace as a means of communication.

11. Today I forgive.

Without reserve, without limited thought, I offer forgiveness to others and myself. Not judging, not evaluating, I delete all mental files by which I hold onto any pain based on the past. My concretized beliefs are now broken and discarded.

12. Today I honor my gifts.

I do not deny my strengths. I honor my talents and abilities. I bring them to the world without fear or hesitation.

13. Today I offer the world my gifts.

I find joy in extending myself into the world of relationships and events. I am here to participate in life. My integrity depends on my willingness to be authentic.

14. Today I will use my words well.

Speech is one means by which I communicate. I will nurture the skills that help me use my words as a means of communion. I endeavor to create intimacy and my speech is a tool which helps in this endeavor.

15. Today I honor my body.

My body is a temple of my soul. I use it as a device to bring myself fully into creation. I need little, I offer and receive a great deal.

16. Today I release the past.

There is no longer a need for me to sustain an autobiography based on the past. Memories are fallible. The past no longer determines who I am now, nor who I shall be moving forward.

17. Today I trust in the future.

I relax and practice acceptance that “all shall be well.” I no longer worry about an imagined future which will likely not occur. I have no need to perpetuate negative, self-fulfilling prophecies.

18. Today I accept the perfection of where I am.

There is nowhere more ideal for me than where I am. This is the perfect place and time for my growth and healing. There has never been a better day than today.

19. Today I accept the perfection of all things.

I am not interested in value systems. With the eyes of love and wisdom, I see all life gently unfolding. I allow all beings the precious freedom to be as they choose.

20. Today I accept I don’t know what I don’t know.

With an attitude of integrity, I happily appreciate how little I comprehend of the totality of life. I enjoy my not-knowing, and recognize I need not understand in order to love. I can afford to bumble blindly backward into a charmed life.

21. Today I accept the love that binds all beings.

All sentient beings are leaves on the same tree. My growth and fulfillment never require my gain at another’s loss. I celebrate the success of others, knowing it nourishes me.

22. Today I will yearn for what I want.

I am willing to deeply desire what I truly want. I seek not transitive props as a balm for my low self-esteem. I willingly feel my own passion for love, and I allow it to come to me and from me.

23. Today I want what love has to offer.

I will give love a chance to demonstrate to me it is real. I no longer bargain with life, accepting small amounts of happiness. I whole-heartedly open to a beautiful life.

24. Today I refuse the reasons to resist love.

I refuse to take any bait which hooks me into doubt or anger. I recognize my own subtle attractions to shame and fear, and I bypass them. I move through the world immune to negative thoughts.

25. Today I relinquish the struggle for control.

I have tried and failed to control the river of life. I now practice feeling a sense of flow, of gentle ease. I allow the door of each moment to open before me in unique and unexpected ways.

26. Today I trust.

My lack of faith is based on my sub-conscious desire to sabotage my life. I relinquish this bad habit and enter into the future with full faith. I allow the adventure of mystery to replace the stagnant defensiveness of certainty.

27. Today I blossom.

No longer must I march ahead into life with a plan for success. I relax into the present moment and feel myself expand from within. In this way, I embrace my divine and my human natures.

28. Today I am free.

Recognizing that all and everything is optional, I welcome what seems to limit me. I embrace my fallibilities and shortcomings. There is space in my heart for all all that makes me uncomfortable.

29. Today I am satisfied.

I choose exactly what is taking place in my life. I empower myself to accept all things. I give myself permission to cease struggling for an imagined perfection that does not exist.

30. Today I bless all.

I do not pick or choose. Like the sun, I shine on all. Regardless if I am appreciated or scorned, this day I shed my light on all, in all ways, always.

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