Our Gurus

Prem Prakash

I was born in Philadelphia and spent my youth trying to be a tough guy, with my interests focused almost exclusively on sports and girls. Through the kindness and patience of my gurus, I was able to enter upon the yoga path.
I have always enjoyed writing and teaching. I am most comfortable approaching others in the spirit of mitra bhava, as a friend and brother. In my experience, in love all are equal. In the Grace world, we all have gifts to share with one other. In Divine Mother’s cosmic dance hall, everyone has their own part to play, their own song to sing, their own steps to dance.
My primary inspiration is to share yoga with diverse populations, including those with spiritual aspiration, children, and competitive athletes. I have authored a number of essays, books, poems and songs, many of which can be found on this site. My other passions include logging for firewood, building and repairing stuff, caring for the Kailash Ashram land, and good rock n’ roll.
When people ask me why I teach, I tell them, “This stuff works.”

Lesley Ambika Gibbs

Some of the greatest joys in my life are finding ways to make yoga accessible and sharing these profound tools of self discovery and transformation. I have the privilege of learning from some powerful, gifted teachers, and it is my honor to share whatever I can.
Initiated into a daily yoga and meditation practice in 1996, I began leading classes in 2004. Offerings have included a gentle yoga class that is welcoming to seniors and those suffering from arthritis or chronic pain, chair yoga, and a more vigorous class for strength, mobility and conscious relaxation. A certified herbalist since 2012, I love growing and gathering medicine from Kailash Ashram’s gardens and surrounding forest for our home apothecary. Other passions include traditional West African percussion and gardening.
In May 2021 I received a certificate from the University of Vermont for course of study as an end of life doula (also known as death doula). A death doula is trained to care holistically for someone approaching the end of life, recognizing death as a natural, accepted and honored part of the journey of a lifetime. Death doulas can work alongside hospice and palliative care. I’m available for consultation for anyone facing a terminal diagnosis or in process of caring for someone who is approaching death.
Contact: ambika@gmsy.org or visit @leafsong_deathdoula on Instagram for more information.
Kailash Ashram, established in 2002
Living close to nature at the foot of Vermont’s Green Mountains, we aim to be stewards of both the forest and the ashram grounds.