Amma Sri Karunamayi

When Ambika and I got married, we flew to Grenada to honeymoon in the Caribbean. On the plane, a flight attendant approached me and asked if I was Prem Prakash. I told her I was, and she introduced herself as a yogini who was a devotee of Karunamayi Ma, an Indian woman that many consider a modern-day saint. She had picked up on my yogic name and decided to say hello. We had a delightful conversation. So much so, that Ambika and I decided when we returned from our honeymoon we would try and meet the woman’s teacher, Karunamayi.

Later, after returning home, we received an invitation from some friends of ours to celebrate Halloween in Woodstock, NY. These folks were part of an artists’ collective and they put on something called “The Phurst Church of Phun.” It was an extravaganza of silliness, partying, and music.

We went to Woodstock and had a blast. The main stage was usually occupied by very talented musicians in one grouping or another, all wailing away to a dancing crowd. During the set breaks, the microphones were left on and people were welcome to come onto the stage and sing, tell a story, joke around, whatever. It was a loose and fun scene.

At one point, I felt inspired to go to the mic and chant some Sanskrit mantras. I eventually began to repeat, over and over, the extremely potent mantra, “Ma,” which, in almost every tongue means “mother.” In yoga, the Ma mantra is highly revered, as it is an invocation and evocation of the Divine Mother, the Goddess of all energy. I was in an elevated state and I felt like a small child, on the edge of my known universe, calling out into the Great Mystery of Life for my eternal Mother. “Ma, ma, ma, ma….”

To make a long story short, we soon after learned that Karunamayi would be coming to Woodstock. Ambika and I went to meet her and, wouldn’t you know, we found her in the same hall in which the Phurst Church event was held, sitting on a chair on the very same stage where I was calling out for Ma.

Ambika and I have gone to see Karunamayi every year in Woodstock to receive her teachings and blessings. Our son Jahnu received initiation from her. We feel so close to her. As if she has been present with us when we were feeling sweet on our honeymoon, and when we were feeling wild, dancing and chanting.

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