
Free Downloadable PDFs

64 Tantric Yoginis


Sanata Kumar Samhita

Siddha Kunjika Stotram

Free Downloadable Books: Dialogues With the Masters

Volume 1

Tantra Yoga: Shiva Sutras

Volume 2

Raja Yoga: Yoga Sutras

Volume 3

Bhakti Yoga: Shikshastakam

Kirtan and Yoga with Prem Prakash

The Bhakti Beat @Vermantra: Prem Prakash had everyone in the Kailash Jungle Band for this joyful Jai Ma jam at Vermantra in Montpelier, VT, Oct. 22, 2011. With Prem Prakash (vocals, bells); Baba Kamal (sax); Patrick McAndrew (guitar); Niranjan (bass); Heidi Champney (violin); Mukti & Jen Canfield (percussion); Adam Bauer (bass) and the whole place joining in!

A yoga class geared towards asanas which helps one find a middle path between too little and too much. We start by finding this yoga within the body, then taking it too a deeper, subtler, more profound level within ourselves. We find this yoga in our internal experience and then manifest it externally for the benefit of our family, communities and the entire world.

The Way of Divine Love

Yogacharya O’Brian welcomes Prem Prakash, Codirector of the Green Mountain School of Yoga in Vermont and author of The Yoga of Spiritual Devotion, for an engaging and important conversation about the role of devotion on the spiritual path. Be prepared to learn some surprising things about love as a path and a practice by exploring the wisdom found in the Bhakti Sutras of Narada – Interview begins at 01:42

Yoga with Ambika

In this video, Ambika demonstrates the group of postures known as Surya Namaskar, salutation to the sun. Sun Salutation is a good way to begin the physical practice of yoga, and many people incorporate it into their daily practice, repeating the entire sequence 6 or 12 times.

Moon Salutation series, or Chandra Namaskar, is a cycle of 14 poses reflecting the waning and waxing of the moon. It is an effective hip opening series, and can be practiced similarly to the manner that Sun Salutations are performed. It is a beautiful, graceful, whole body routine.

Practice video of flowing intermediate yoga postures which can be repeated several times in a similar manner to sun and moon salutation.

“The Pleasure Cruise” is our affectionate name for this series of hamstring and hip opening stretches. All poses are reclining. Use a belt or strap if you like.

This is a 75 min class: Slow, gentle, mindful movement for nervous system resilience, mobility, strength, flexibility.

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra sung by Ambika

Sri Gayatri Mantra sung by Ambika

Aghori Mantra by Prem Prakash