Mukti Mala: A Garland of Freedom

Chapter I
 Suffering –

  1. Your soul is ablaze with a call
    which you must answer to be free.
    Suffering is your prison cell,
    seemingly shaping destiny.
  2. Pain and fear have a three-fold base
    in your body, your heart, and mind.
    These henchmen are spiteful and cruel,
    hold no vain hope they could be kind.
  3. Your body suffers, beaten down,
    by transient pleasures and pain.
    Revolving in change unending,
    bringing no rest, no peace, no gain
  4. Your heart suffers the freezing touch
    of emotions unsought but felt.
    The barren ice of loneliness
    strangles tight what’s yearning to melt.      

5.     Your mind suffers the piercing cut
        of thoughts running confused and wild.
        Guilt seeks blood, attempting murder
        of you, God’s dear, innocent child.

6.     This is karma, the three-fold field,
        in which suffering seeks to sprout.
        Plant not this bitter crop, instead;
        grow faith that is beyond all doubt.

7.     Suffering’s found in karma’s field,
        but beyond is its birth’s domain.
        Thoughts, feelings, acts are mere effects,
        from clouds of cause they fall like rain.

8.     Avoid the wasted, futile search
        to find healing within the field.
        Find solace, balm, and nourishment
        from your bountiful inner yield.

9.     Seeing your Self where it is not,
        confused remains identity.
        Concepts jump, ideas twist and turn,
        in your soul find serenity.

10.   So cut the root, destroy the cause,
        reject the foul, sickly potion.
        Ideas of loss, guilt, fear, and sin –
        just illusion’s foolish notion.

11.   Pain arises from ignorance,
        never inscribed or forced by fate.
        Birthing desires to procure,
        breeding anger, greed, lust, and hate.

12.   Desires fly based on a whim,
         alighting on this, then the next.
         Without a stable, true pursuit,
         no balance, harmony, or rest.

13.   Reality does not waver,
        though fools may beg, argue, and fight.
        Accept truth, forever shining,
        found in your soul’s eternal light.

14.   In darkness, dreams frighten the mind
        with anxious nightmares of despair.
        Arise, awake, break the shackles,
        in wholeness laugh at what would scare.

15.   Beauty longing to see herself
        finds form is worthy to adore.
        Divine vision sees All in all,
        ignorance measures less and more.

16.   Confront and smile at ghostly shrieks,
        fear not graveyards of loss and death.
        Learn the true nature of your soul –
        creative source of life’s first breath.

17.   A wave is born from ocean’s womb,
        never separate from its source.
        Be not confused by appearance,
        to rise and fall is nature’s course.

18.   When night falls the magician rules,
        sight is tricked by his casted spell.
        Overcome the trance, learn to see:
        love is real, fear alone is hell.

Chapter II
Desire & Faith

1.    Desires drive thoughts, words, and actions—
       quests for pleasures to be received.
       When what is wished for is attained,
       ego struts in its world perceived.

2.    How fleeting are the desires sought,
       gifts from heaven seemingly sent.
       Time swiftly withdraws what was gained,
        hell then demands equal payment.

3.     The seeds of karmic life balance
        through sweet pleasure and bitter pain.
        Friends and foes, success and failure,
        smiles and frowns, changing loss and gain.

4.     The wheel of bondage ever turns,
        on which captives make themselves weak.
        For what can never satisfy
        they continue to praise and seek.

5.     Honor the freedom of your soul,
        guilt and stress are voluntary.
        Join the ranks of freedom’s brigade,
        slay the foe whose name is “worry.”

6.     Be blessed within creations realm,
        play the game of your life to win.
        Drop delusion, the sirens lie,
        ignore their call, there is no sin.

7.     Break your promise to worship fear,
        made in fevered, dark days gone by.
        Accept the timeless gifts of God,
        in the holy now, leap and fly.

8.     Spasms of guilt contract and bind,
        yet sin is nothing but mind-made.
        Set your healing energy free,
        have some fun, stop being afraid.

9.     The fever of loneliness leads
        to the question asked by the sick:
        “Am I good enough to be loved?”
        God says, “yes,” fear, “no” – take your pick.

10.   The ego spins a tale of blame,
        anger spewing its history.
        This time-bound, pathetic yarn can’t
        know love’s eternal mystery.

11.  The light of the world is in you,
        yet in sadness still do you cry.
        Surrounded on all sides by love,
        like a fish weeping it is dry.

12.   You push against descending grace,
        exhausted from the futile fight.
        Surrender your impotency,
        be strong in faith, your inner might.

13.   In darkness, in shadows, fear dwells;
        the graveyard sings death’s ruling dirge.
        Believe not you were born to die,
        arise, be free, into spirit merge.

14.   The martyr wishes for his death
        to prove his beliefs’ righteous view.
        But dogmas jaws bare rotten teeth
        that cannot bite into what’s true.

15.   The polestar shines for those who seek
        for that which is forever real.
        Else counterfeit the documents
        that have not the authentic seal.

16.   When doubts explode within your mind
        and chaste truth shatters in the blast.
        Hold well unto your highest dreams,
        the false will fade, the real will last.

17.   Whatever promises are made
        by delusion’s beckoning call,
        Please ignore, they have no meaning –
        they just bring endless tears to fall.

18.   Grief and despair are not God’s will,
        but these poisons will take their toll.
        If they are pursued in folly,
        you’ll remain blind to your own soul.

Chapter III
The Goddess

1.     In the night before time was born,
        the Goddess rises wide awake.
        On the screen of Her Self, She shows
        creation’s glory for love’s sake,

2.     Into the depth of void She dives
        to dote upon the primal seed.
        The journey into form’s embrace—
        Her free adventure without need.

3.     Being one, the Mother gives birth
        to the thought, “Many will I be.”
        This spark catches, blazes, lights forth,
        striking potentiality.

4.     She comes to rest in coiled peace
        awaiting the stirring of love.
        Known as kundalini below
        and as God Shiva when above.

5.     The yogi discovers the spine
        is the great route the pilgrim walks.
        Praying to Mother to guide him,
        through his intuition She talks.

6.     The snake, swaying in vital love,
        slithers as Goddess does assign.
        Through the worlds of seven chakras,
        yogi traverses the divine.

7.     At the base is Muladhara,
        the root, the core, Her throne, Her seat.
        Here the yogi learns to offer
        his body at Her sacred feet.

8.     Svadhisthana calls to proclaim,
        “Live here in this world in pleasure.”
        The yogi navigates this realm
        by seeing pain’s equal measure.

9.     Manipura shows how one can
        gain the world’s wealth, fame, and power.
        A detour attracting beggars,
        dust atop a fragile tower.

10.   In Anahata, he begins
        here in the heart to truly live.
        As a star lighting the dark night,
        shining the message to forgive.

11.   In Vishuddha, song arises–
        the soul expresses truth and bliss.
        Joy aroused comes ever closer,
        longing for the Beloved’s kiss.

12.   Wisdom’s gate opens in Ajna,
        the lock is known as illusion.
        The blocks, and guards, and obstacles,
        all dissolve in truth’s conclusion.

13.   Into One in Sahasrara,
        God and soul sharing the same voice.
        In completion and ecstasy,
        The Goddess does again rejoice.

14.   The vast and varied universe,
        has staged the Mother’s divine play,
        Its purpose served, all is now well –
        the ending of the cosmic day.

15.  Stars and moon, and all space are gone;
        time, too, resolved back into Her.
        She just laughs, tired from Her play,
        closing Her eye in peace sublime.

16.   Earth, heaven, hell – all seemed so real,
        now they can no longer be found
        In Her freedom, She acted well,
        in jest, pretending to be bound.

17.   Her performance is ever fresh –
        romantic, silly, and daring.
        Infinite love finding new ways
        to expand itself through sharing.

18.   Drenched in bliss, She seems far away,
        yet She pervades all space and time.
        Being Hers, we have no purpose
        other than to sing, dance, and rhyme.

Chapter IV
The Path

1.     The path is charted well and clear,
        taught by the wise through the ages.
        From past to present, still afire
        is the torch held by the sages.

2.     From darkness to light, from death to life,
        yogis guide those who endeavor.
        Find out how mortality ends
        and enter love’s realm forever.

3.     Be not a mortal, bound and tied
        by the handcuffs of pain and death.
        Escape the casket, know your Self –
        beyond body, mind, and breath.

4.     Earth, water, fire, air, and ether
        have formed the physical coil.
        Sitting still in yogic poise,
        plant the divine seed in life’s soil.

5.     Creative is the life impulse,
        on spirit is matter aloft.
        In harmony with nature’s flow,
        keep your spine strong and your heart soft.

6.    Embrace, hold the world as your own,
        nothing has come to you by chance.
        Be brave and noble, welcome all
        to share with you in play and dance.

7.     Renounce, deny, once and for all,
        the pitiful delay of fear.
        Seize dawn and dusk, this very day,
        unto yourself draw heaven near.

8.     The compass of life’s vanity
        points outward to false hopes afar.
        Turn the needle, banish allure,
        be guided by your inner star.

9.     Feel the direction of God’s names
        bringing blessings from your true home.
        Celestial songs ringing out—
        the beautiful chorus of Aum.

10.   With mind focused on just one point,
        the ship of heart finds port in peace.
        In meditative calm is found
        the method whereby troubles cease.

11.   On wings of love one rises high,
        no more false problems to resolve.
        The separate self, root of all woe,
        into infinity dissolves.

12.   Along the path are subtle foes,
        invisible to seekers all.
        Thus the need for guru’s guidance,
        to prevent the stumble and fall.

13.   Dip down your bucket far and deep
        into the well of guru’s grace.
        When resolve grows weary and weak,
        share guru’s strength and keep on pace.

14.   Climbing high, the peak comes to view,
        but it demands too much courage.
        For the last ascent, one will need
        cheers from guru to encourage.

15.  The final cliff, most difficult,
        is filled with dangers and with charms.
        Your will and knowledge fall short here,
        have faith, leap into guru’s arms.

16.   At the summit of what was sought,
        triumphant is the gallant soul.
        All is now known, love’s plan revealed,
        free now, service becomes his role.

17.  Content, complete, healed, he is whole;
        yet in his soul one ache remains.
        He wishes to distribute love,
        to comfort those whose hearts still break.

18.   His clothes worn and ordinary,
        nothing glamorous to discern.
        “Go out towards fear,” the masses scream;
        this one whispers, “To love, return.”

Chapter V
Living in the World

1.     The knot of false identity
        is tight but based on false reason.
       The one who sees this fertile truth
        has come to the seeker’s season.

2.     Make this the lifetime to get free —
        cuffs released, bars chiseled open.
        Listen to what’s heard in silence    ,
        from hypnotic spells be woken.

3.     Craft of yourself a vessel strong –
        plumb and balanced, worthy and straight.
        Without cracks to leak energy,
        constrain distractions, become great.

4.     Ride in the saddle of your soul,
        take the reins of karma’s horses.
        Be the hero of your life’s myth,
        conquer the opposing forces.

5.     Make service the bulls eye of life,
        be in the world for others sake.
        Have just one goal, clear and defined:
        eat the fruit of love, trust the snake.

6.     No one finds a diamond by chance,
        those who seeks discover riches.
        Be content with spiritual wealth,
        jump right over worldly ditches.

7.     To enter love’s inner chamber,
        disrobe all your fear, guilt, and guile.
        Stand naked and trusting in truth,
        wear only your innocent smile.

8.     Yogis walk in this world of tears
        as friend to all, yet bound by none.
        Father above, Mother below,
         knowing himself as divine son.

9.     The egos of the world are mad,
        clinging to their insanity.
        The yogi’s vision is not fooled,
        he sees right through their vanity.

10.   Praise and blame will be cast on you
        by those who will curry favor.
        Enter not egoic contracts,
        compromise not your behavior.

11.  Bend not to the social order;
        the games of pleasing to impress.
        Be independent of others,
        shun values which lead to distress.

12.   To cling is to be unhappy,
        to release, to be satisfied.
        Seeking to get is frustrating,
        with sharing keep mind occupied.

13.   Selfish desires push and pull –
        the mind absorbed in judgment’s sway.
        The strange howls of likes and dislikes
        keep the calm breeze of peace at bay

14.   Make of your body a vessel,
        holding devotion as its oil.
        Service will then set life aglow;
        a graceful journey without toil.

15.   The isolated, separate self,
        by worshipful work is undone.
         Just as the wet dew does vanish
        under the warmth of morning sun.

16.   To do for others brings the gift
        of making yourself more aware.
        You’ll see how the sages bless
        and bring to earth heavenly care.

17.  Whatever worldly gains you get
        will later have to be returned.
        All and everything are ashes
        after the fire of time has burned.

18.   In this world of exploitation,
        egos look to judge and measure.
        Care not for what they say or do,
        hold fast to your inner treasure.

Chapter VI
Time and Awakening

1.    Chase not after ego morsels –
        wealth and fame, crumbs from worldly bread.
        Your destiny is glorious,
        pass by the dying and the dead.

2.    Swear allegiance to your own soul;
        before fear, bow not on the earth.
        Drop pretense and all ego games,
        be free of compulsory birth.

3.     Cloaked in the robes of time and space,
        no world is your eternal home.
        God’s likeness and Self is your truth,
        in freedom were you born to roam.

4.     Don’t believe the false, old teachings
        that keep you down, and out, and ill.
        Don’t hurry, don’t worry, don’t doubt;
        sit quiet, find peace, and be still.

5.     You will be cajoled and tempted
        to ride the wheel of delusion.
        Remain steady and detached from
        the seduction of confusion.

6.     The tree of pain grows the fruit of
        endlessly complicated needs.
        With the axe of joy, cut it down,
        before it can scatter more seeds.

7.     Stand tall before the oppression —
        a ferocious lion should roar.
        Your fate rests not in groveling,
        the wild eagle lives to soar.

8.     These teachings have been shared with all,
        in every place, in every year.
        In every tongue, in every way,
        yet so few have the ears to hear.

9.     The lost stay chained in prison cells
        by denying they hold the key.
        Walls of blind beliefs kept in place –
        open the lock, bust out, be free.

10.   Every angel up in heaven
        is craving to cuddle with thee.
        You’ve sought lovers for many years,
        now look into their eyes and see.

11.   The lies of sin, and guilt, and fear –
        an ancient curse you can dispel.
        A silly thought, a child’s nightmare —
        bring to an end this dream of hell.

12.   No reason exists to tremble
        ‘fore the terror of ego’s reign.
        Laugh at the mad and weird folly,
        that king is harebrained and insane.

13.   Heaven’s love and light, peace and joy,
        did arise this morning with you.
        Your soul is singing in the breeze —
        listen, feel, you know this is true.

14.   Cling no longer to what will hurt,
        forgive completely karmic debts.
        Come now to God’s gaming table —
        that love is real, place your bets.

15.   What is in time will be destroyed
        but, you, soul, will live forever.
        No gain or loss this world provides,
        for at death all bonds you’ll sever.

16.   To worry is to worship doubt,
        placed upon the altar to fear. 
        Cast away such idolatry,   
        in faith you’ll find that love is near.

17.   Anger shows you’ve become confused,
        mistaking what it means to live.
        There is but one judge in truth’s court –
        his verdict is always: forgive.

18.   Into your darkness, now comes light,
        bringing you peace, the end of strife.
        Disown your sad, slow march to death,
        rise and dance in eternal life.

copyright 2014
Green Mountain School of Yoga

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