Some Suggestions

No one is happy all the time. It’s impossible. Earth school can be tough. Cut yourself some slack, and avoid the stress and frustration of laboring for an unrealistic goal that is unattainable. What is possible, however, is to be happy a considerable amount of your life. Here are some suggestions. I hope you find one or two to be helpful.

  1. Forgive.
  2. Forgive (It’s worth repeating).
  3. Forgive (It really is that important).
  4. Don’t ask unenlightened people to tell you your worth.
  5. There is a diamond of Divinity in your human heart. Find it.
  6. Be grateful for what you have, yearn for what you want.
  7. Be noble about your strengths, and be humble about your shortcomings.
  8. Meditate regularly.
  9. Exercise regularly.
  10. Recognize you have something to give and to receive with everyone, no exceptions.
  11. Give yourself permission to be all of who you are.
  12. Spend time in Nature.
  13. Spend time barefoot on the Earth.
  14. If love is your goal, make love your path.
  15. Appreciate that grievances have no reasons, only excuses.
  16. The eternal festival does not stop when you remove yourself from it.
  17. This yoga stuff works.
  18. The sun of grace is always shining. You can accept it or hide indoors.
  19. You can’t fake the snake of intuition.
  20. Don’t push love out of your life and then complain there is no love in your life.
  21. Do not settle for anything less than everything.
  22. Don’t settle for being just human, you are also divine.
  23. Appreciate that fear, loneliness and confusion are universal human experiences.
  24. Be blind to the shortcomings of others. Be ruthless in seeing your own.
  25. Give your love and respect to the oblivious and unappreciative.
  26. Expect to be mis-understood.
  27. Be willing to not know and to be wrong, in order that you can grow in wisdom.
  28. Don’t justify your negativity, it is never righteous.
  29. Life is for healing and spiritual development, don’t get distracted.
  30. Think of the internet as a menu, don’t eat too much junk food.
  31. Look at your life from the perspective of your death.
  32. The world is a mirror, look with kindness upon yourself.
  33. Never gossip. Say nothing ill about anyone when they are not present.
  34. Worry kills. Stop, it’s just a bad habit.
  35. Don’t be alarmed to know that someday you will get just what you deserve. Because what you deserve is compassion.
  36. If you must unsheathe your sword, do so with full vigor.
  37. If you have a guru, love and respect them without sacrificing your integrity.
  38. Like your fingerprints, there is a path unique to you.
  39. You took birth for a purpose, follow that polestar.
  40. There is no such thing as too much kindness.
  41. Relate to others as you deem fit, just never forsake them.
  42. Find something to laugh about every day.
  43. Gently enjoy your foibles, they won’t be with you forever.
  44. If you’re unhappy with the energy stream of your life, choose a different one.
  45. Anticipate joy.
  46. There are an infinite number of perspectives, choose one that is healthy.
  47. Dropping a burden involves no effort. That’s why it’s called “letting go.”
  48. Guilt and shame are learned attitudes, unlearn them.
  49. Don’t let time and space convince you that you are separate.
  50. Be a good sweetie.

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