The Court of Love

Bring your crimes
before the court of love.
I promise you the sentence will be:
Dispense the healing.
The yogis who serves as counsel,
the sages who make up the jury,
and the gurus who sit on the bench
Will offer the only verdict they know.
Their vision knows not of condemnation,
of punishment,
of judgment.
Your confession simply opens the
merciful lawbook which
overturns all rulings decreed
by the lower courts of the ego.
Allow the yogis, the divine legislators,
to offer you forgiveness.
That’s right, you’ll get just what you deserve,
everything that is coming to you,
justice will be served.
In the light of yogic wisdom,
all your felonies and misdemeanors will be understood
to be simply mistakes performed under the influence of being human,
under the sway of fear, confusion, and loneliness.
The grandeur of the yogis
is greater than your fallibility.
Any guilt arising from spiritual immaturity
is not allowed as evidence
when true judgment rules supreme.
Before you even have a chance to respond in awe
and give your thanks,
They bring down the gavel and
dismiss the case.

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