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I suppose this is as good a place as any for a public confession. My disclosure is that for too many years I misunderstood the goal of yoga practice and paraded my accomplishments in sadhana as having some value. I could sit in the lotus pose until my knees went

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Bad Habits

Two yogis had the habit of sneaking to the back of the ashram to smoke cigarettes. They started to feel lousy about it, so they decided they would speak to the guru. Later, they got together to compare their conversations. The first yogi announced, “Bad news. The guru has instructed

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The Real & The Unreal

From the unreal, lead us to the real. From darkness, lead us to light. From death, lead us to immortality. Above is an ancient prayer from the yogic tradition that is fascinating to me for several reasons. First, it states that our current level of consciousness is unreal, dark, and

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Cats and Mice

The ashram was having a problem with mice, so the guru brought home a good cat. The cat did a fine job on the mice but she became attached to the guru and would follow him everywhere, even when he was performing his morning meditations. In order to keep the

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Monkeys and Cubs

Tulsi  Dass, best known as the author of a popular version of the Indian epic, Ramayana, was a great believer in the potency of the practice of japa, repetition of the names of God, as a method of spiritual accomplishment. So great was his faith, it is said he cured

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Lambs Without Lions

A friend of mine recently returned from a yoga class dissatisfied. When I asked her why she didn’t care for the class, she replied that the mood in the room was “too happy.” Well, what’s wrong with being happy? After all, if an optional activity like a yoga class, is

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Crooks and Yogis

I recently read an interview with a guy who had been a life-long criminal. He tried living an honest life but felt he was working too hard and wasn’t earning enough money. He turned to a life of crime because he wanted more wealth, and he wanted it faster. Eventually,

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Excuses and Reasons

You know how when you go out to eat at a restaurant, there’s a coat-rack by the door? You take off your jacket or sweater and hang it on a hook. The people with you hang their stuff on other hooks. Doesn’t matter what hook you choose, right? As long

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Sri Maha-Mrityunjaya Mantra

The Maha-Mrityunjaya mantra is a powerful tool for healing and overcoming fear. During this time of stress and uncertainty, this mantra can help one sustain a healthy nervous system and strong immunity. It can also aid in mental balance, the ability to stay centered and sane while collective turmoil is

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